Premium Business Services

the science of business

Understand more

We offer a wide range of business management services to help you better understand what is happening.

Financial Statements

Recording your business transactions is the first step to preparing financial statements. The Balance Sheet helps you understand at the end of each month how your business stands by comparing your assets to your liabilities and equity.

Analysis & Execution

Once we have prepared your company’s financial statements, the next step is to analyze them. We help paint the picture of what the numbers are showing about your business. This analysis will help you execute your business experiments.

Finding the Answers

Many answers are contained in the data surrounding the transactions that occur daily in your business. Market trends can provide insight for decision making. Like a business scientists, we help you find the answers to business questions.
Running a business doesn’t have to be guess work. We help organize & analyze your financial data. Catalysters offers a wide range of services from simple bookkeeping to a full service accounting department.


for a better Future

Budgets and forecasting help you be prepared for what the future has in store for your business. Our process walks you through the process. We look at industry trends, local economy, suppliers, customers and more. Having good business data will help you make better decisions.


82% of businesses that fail do so because of cash flow problems


What is the difference between Bookkeeping and Accounting?

Great question! Bookkeeping is the very useful service of recording transactions. Similar to balancing your checkbook against your bank account each month. Accounting takes those recorded transactions and seeks to categorize and analyze those transactions.

What Types of Businesses Do you Work With?

We work with small to mid-sized businesses. We focus on working with business and health professionals. These include: Lawyers, Dentists, Optometrists, Chiropractors, Family Practitioners, and many more. While we focus on our core, we are also open to assisting others. Contact us to see if our skills are a good fit for your business needs.

Where are you located?

We are located in Idaho, but are able to work with clients remotely throughout the United States.

What services do you offer?

We primarily focus on bookkeeping and accounting services. Depending on the needs of our clients, this is a cafeteria style of services including, but not limited to: Accounts Receivables, Collections, Credit analysis, Accounts Payables, Securing Financing, Bank Reconciliations, Budgeting, Forecasts, Financial Statements, Management Analysis, Market Research, Business Consulting, and more.

Do you Offer Long Term Services?

Yes, we seek to be trusted financial guides for our clients. We find that working with clients on a regular basis helps us strengthen our understanding of their specific business and needs. This helps us provide a higher quality of advice than one time projects.

What accounting software do you work with?

We primarily work with Quickbooks Online. We are versed in a wide variety of other accounting software and can help you find the best software for your business needs.

Let us help you grow Your business

Contact us today for a free intro consultation

(208) 572-0739