HYPOTHESIS: Microsoft Office 365 is not the only viable email and document solution.

When many business professionals think of email, they often think of Microsoft Outlook. Similarly, with word and number processing, they think of Microsoft’s Word and Excel. Office 365 is a powerful collaboration tool, but is it the only viable option?

PROCEDURE: Test other email and document management solutions

The solution we have been testing recently is G Suite by Alphabet’s Google LLC. Many people use Gmail for their personal email address. There are a few differences between Gmail and Outlook, but most can be changed in the settings or replaced with new workflows.

Similar to Office 365, which has a collaborative document and spreadsheet editing, Google Drive has many features Office 365 is missing as it has grown up in the cloud.

At Catalysters, we use Gmail and Google Drive daily. There are so many other features we want to explore in future posts.

CONCLUSION: Other viable options do exist for email and document management.

Not only do other viable options exist, but some may be better or best for your needs. Each business is different, so there isn’t one best answer for everyone. Let us know if you have any questions on determining which solution will work for your business.

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